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The 53rd edition of the Junior Peace Race

The 53rd edition of the race will be held in Terezin from the 8th to the 11th of May 2025.


The king of the final stage of the Course de la Paix Juniors in Terezín was Král! Dane Philipsen celebrates overall victory!!

Terezín, May 5, 2024 - The final stage of the Course de la Paix Juniors promised an exciting battle not only for the stage victory but especially for the prestigious overall triumph in the race. The 98.3 km long route led around Terezín and Litoměřice and was embellished with 4 mountain primes in Chudoslavice. The weather favored the cyclists on the last day of the race.


The Queen Stage Decides Nothing. The Peace Race Junior winner to be determined in Terezín

Teplice/Olbernhau, May 4, 2024 – On the third day of the Peace Race Juniors, the feared queen stage of 134 km from Teplice to the German town of Olbernhau took place, traversing the Ore Mountains. The route started in Teplice and passed through Dubí, Osek, Litvínov, and Mníšek before reaching Olbernhau in Saxony. Despite concerns, the weather was favorable, with sunshine and temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius. Despite numerous breakaway attempts throughout the stage, there were no significant shifts in the race dynamics, and even the 70th rider added only a 40-second loss. The racing field finished in two similarly large groups separated by the mentioned 40 seconds.


World Champion Triumphs in Morning Time Trial, Irish Rider Wins Stage to Štětí

Třebívlice/Štětí, May 3, 2024 – The second day of the Peace Race Juniors was packed with racing.


Czech Triumph Kicks Off Peace Race Juniors in Litoměřice

Litoměřice, May 2, 2024 – The traditional Peace Race Juniors cycling stage race kicked off today in Litoměřice with the first stage. The 100.9 km long route, which led through the picturesque countryside of the Ústecký Region in the vicinity of Úštěk, brought together the best young cyclists from around the world.


The 52nd year of the Junior Peace Race will start in May

Litoměřice/Terezín, 2. května 2024 – Na litoměřickém Mírovém náměstí odstartuje legendární májový Závod míru juniorů, mezinárodní etapový cyklistický závod zařazený do nejvyšší světové kategorie JUNIORS NATIONS´ CUP. Každoročně se jej účastní více než stovka nejlepších cyklistů z celého světa. Závodníci na letošním 52. ročníku poměří své síly od 2. do 5. května, celkem na ně čeká 403,3 km vedoucích napříč severními Čechami až do přilehlého Saska. Jako již tradičně se cílovým městem stane Terezín, pietní místo, kde je nutné si připomínat mírové poselství.


The 52nd edition of the Junior Peace Race

The 52nd edition of the race will be held in Terezin from the 2nd to the 5th of May 2024.


Dutchman Remijn wins in Terezín, Nordhagen keeps the yellow

Terezín - Senna Remijn dominated the mass finish of the final stage of the 51st edition of the Junior Peace Race. Thanks to this, the Dutch representative also jumped to the overall bronze at the last moment. This year's overall winner was Norwegian Jorgen Nordhagen. The Czech riders did not disappoint either.

The French fast train Grisel won the Royal stage surprisingly

Teplice/Olbernhau - French speedster Matys Grisel won the royal stage of the 51st edition of the Junior Peace Race. The rider from the land of the Gallic Cock won the surprising mass finish of the hilly stage from Teplice to Olbernhau, Germany. He was half a gallus behind Dane Philipsen. Pavel Šumpík, the best Czech rider, also finished in the group.


Theme Danland modified and web mastered by Vojtěch — 2011. Facebook: Závod míru juniorů