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Karel Vacek won the royal stage of the Junior Peace Race

Teplice/Altenberg – O senzační výsledek se během 3. etapy Závodu míru juniorů postaral cyklista Karel Vacek. Český reprezentant královskou etapu suverénně ovládl, když cílem projel osamocen s třičtvrtěminutovým náskokem na druhého Itala Bagioliho. Do žlutého trikotu se ale vrátil Nor Idar Andersen.


On Friday won Leknessund and Ferrari

Třebenice/Roudnice nad Labem – Dvě prověrky museli zvládnout juniorští cyklisté Závodu míru během pátečního dne. Dopolední časovku v Třebenicích vyhrál Nor Andreas Leknessund, odpolední silniční závod v Roudnici nad Labem zase Ital Davide Ferrari. Ve žlutém do sobotní královské etapy nastoupí Holanďan Zijlaard, který se do žlutého oblékl po dopolední časovce a trikot udržel i odpoledne. A nezklamali ani domácí jezdci.


Andersen of Norway won the first stage of the Junior Peace Race

Litoměřice – The Norwegian Idar Andersen won the first stage of the 46th Junior Peace Race. In the finish on the main square in Litoměřice he arrived with a small lead on a small group of followers and since it was the opening stage he gained the yellow jersey as well.


The Junior Peace Race will start on the 4th of May

Terezín/Litoměřice – This year it will be the 46th edition! The worlds best cyclist in the junior category will meet in northern Bohemia in the first week of May. As this Thursday starts the international multi stage race, the Junior Peace Race. Traditionally the first stage and the race starts in Litoměřice and during the following four days the young cyclist will compete for one of the most valued "yellow jerseys" in the world of junior cycling.


46th Course de la Paix Juniors

46th Course de la Paix Juniors will be held in Terezín from 4th to 7th May 2017.


45th Course de la Paix Juniors

45th Course de la Paix Juniors will be held in Terezín from 5th to 8th May 2016.


Cyclists from the Junior Peace race became world champions

Richmond/Terezín - Another one of the Junior Piece Race cyclists is in the rainbow jersey in the elite category. The Slovak Peter Sagan became a world champion in Richmond. Seven year ago he was battling with Michał Kwiatkowski for the victory in the Junior Peace Race, now he replaced him as the holder of the world champions jersey.


Stage won Dane Pedersen, Americans celebrate the historic achievement

Terezín / Litoměřice - For the first time in history, won the Peace Race Junior American cyclist. Brandon McNulty is the first one after 44 years of writing historical charts winners. The Americans did not have rivals this year, second best was his compatriot Adrien  Costa. Nevertheless, on the Litoměřice square, the last stage victory was celebrating by Danish rider Rasmus Pedersen, who managed the succesfully escape from the main field.


Course de la Paix Juniors starts May 7

Terezín / Litoměřice - One week remaining until the start of the international cycling race Course de la Paix Juniors (7th to 10th May). Best junior athletes in northern Bohemia meet within forty-fourth year, to compete for one of the currently most prestigious yellow jerseys world junior cycling. Young riders waiting almost four hundred kilometers of demanding and fight for valuable points for Nations' Cup Juniors.


44th Course de la Paix Juniors

44th Course de la Paix Juniors will be held in Terezín from 7th to 10th May 2015.



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