Introductory Word of the Director of the Race
I would like to welcome you to the race of the “May stages” for junior cycling. I am glad I can inform you that we managed to secure the traditional format of the Junior Peace Race this year again – during a four May days the best junior cyclist of the world will be rushing through the Central Bohemian Uplands, the Ore Mountains and German Saxony. The organization of this event, which is part of the Nation’s Cup since 1995, gets increasingly more challenging every year. Indeed, this year there are only seven multi stage races included in the Nation’s Cup – the most prestigious word junior competition. Therefore I am really proud of the team of people and partners who help us with the organization. Only thanks to these sometimes seemingly invisible helpers we menage to keep the high prestige and level of the Junior Peace Race all these years, but also to constantly work on further improvements. The necessity for continuous improvement is driven by the need to match the increasing quality of the peloton. This year again we can be certain, that among the more than hundred competitors, will be those who will collect useful experiences to be turned into titles and medals on the Europe or the world championships or the professional stages.
Svatopluk Henke
race director
published on 8. October 2014 - 13:23

Ponferrada - It is six years now since in Terezin he won for the second time the Junior Peace Race. Now he became the mens elite World Champion. The 24-year old polish rider Michal Kwiatkowski fantastically managed to impose himself on the biggest rainbow jersey adepts and claimed the first World Champion gold medal in cycling for his country.
"Just few days before the elite race I was on my way to manage few things with our riders Štybar and Vakoč when Michal and I met. You can hardly imagine how satisfying is to hear from him that he considers our Junior Peace Race the best event for the juniors in the world. Opinions from riders like him really count and these are the factors that keep us going and further improving the race. Well, and few days later 'Kwiatek' became a World Champion," pointed out the director of the Junior Peace Race Svatopluk Henke.
published on 7. October 2014 - 23:36
Ponferrada - Před šesti lety jako mladý junior vyhrál podruhé v Terezíně Závod míru. Teď se stal elitním mistrem světa. Čtyřiadvacetiletý polský jezdec Michal Kwiatkowski se ve španělské Ponferradě dokázal fantasticky prosadit mezi největšími adepty na duhový trikot a získal historicky první zlatou medaili světového šampiona v silniční cyklistice pro svoji zemi.
published on 11. September 2014 - 21:31
Zulte/Terezín - Cyklistický svět ztratil mladého talenta. Úřadující juniorský mistr světa v časovce Igor Decraene zemřel tragicky ve svých 18 letech. Belgický reprezentant, který byl součástí letošního Závodu míru juniorů v Terezíně, ale nespáchal sebevraždu, jak uvedla celosvětová média. Mladíka nešťastně srazil vlak, když se vracel z narozeninové oslavy.
published on 17. July 2014 - 14:45
Terezín/Paříž - Co má společného letošní ročník Tour de France s českým etapovým Závodem míru juniorů? Přesně 24 jezdců!