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The king of the final stage of the Course de la Paix Juniors in Terezín was Král! Dane Philipsen celebrates overall victory!!

Terezín, May 5, 2024 - The final stage of the Course de la Paix Juniors promised an exciting battle not only for the stage victory but especially for the prestigious overall triumph in the race. The 98.3 km long route led around Terezín and Litoměřice and was embellished with 4 mountain primes in Chudoslavice. The weather favored the cyclists on the last day of the race.

To the delight of the spectators in the finish city, the domestic representative Kryštof Král won the stage in a beautiful sprint among more than a hundred cyclists. Despite several breakaways during the day, the "pack" arrived almost complete. The leading rider and his team controlled the course of the stage with expertise.

Senna Remijn (National Team Netherlands) finished second in the sprint and continued his success from last year when he also won this stage in a sprint. David Lewandowski from the Polish national team finished third.

Albert Philipsen (National Team Denmark) became the overall winner of the Course de la Paix Juniors 2024, taking the lead after the individual time trial. With a 25-second lead, he defeated the second-placed Dutch Senna Remijn, who, thanks to the bonus for second place in the stage, overtook the third-placed Czech Pavel Šumpík by just one second in the overall standings.

The Course de la Paix Juniors 2024 ended successfully, offering four days full of exciting stages and great sports performances. Young cyclists from all over the world showcased their talent and fought for victory in one of the biggest races in their category. It is worth mentioning the excellent performances of Czech riders, who won two stages and, thanks to Šumpík, also secured an overall podium finish.

The best team was the National Team Denmark, the points competition was won by Aldo Taillieu from Belgium, the best climber was the Finnish rider Kasper Borremans from the CVM Cannibal Victourious MIX team, the sprint competition was dominated by his teammate, Belgian Nolan Huysmans. And to cap off the successes of the Belgian team Cannibal Victourious, Jan Jackowiak won the best young rider category. We will therefore look forward to him as one of the favorites for the race next year.

A big thank you goes to the organizers, volunteers, and all involved who contributed to the successful organization of the Course de la Paix Juniors for the 52nd time. We firmly believe that from May 8-11, 2025, the organizers led by Svatopluk Henke Jr. will once again succeed in performing a small miracle, and the long history of the Course de la Paix Juniors will continue with the 53rd edition...


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